Friday 3 May 2013

Final Edit - A Geek's Date

Preliminary task final video!

Here is the fully edited preliminary task video! Hope you all enjoy it!

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 2 Evaluation+Question+2 by liamaspinall94

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

After research using websites such as, I found that my that the main audience to my genre of film is females aged between 14 and 40. They are likely to watch TV programmes such as The only way is Essex, Gossip girl and Made in Chelsea. Themes in the films which would appeal to the audience are:


These would appeal to the target audience because they are what women like. Obviously people outside the target audience will watch this because you do get anomalies. Moreover they are likely to go to the gym, go shopping in places such as Marks and Spencers and Waitrose.

Ratings for 'Stupid, crazy love.'


I found more information about the audience by using these ratings form IMDB, although I know that majoirty of users are male so the rating aren't 100% accurate but are the best that can be found.

It's very important to know my audience in order to make my film successfull because if I made with the wrong type of audience in mind it wouldn't sell very well. This was a large peice of my research because with out the audience there would be no need for my film opening.
From all my reseach I found my audiene would depend on what type of Rom-Com I was making because if it was more romantic than funny it would be more likely to appeal to females aged 14-40. This is because they can relate to it the most. This is contrasted to if it was more funny than romantic, it would appeal to males aged 14-30 because they would find it funny. On this research I have found that my target audience was females aged 14-40 because my opening would be more romantic than funny. 

Evaulation Question 5 - Part 5

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Evaulation Question 5 - Part 4

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

Evaulation Question 5 - Part 3

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Evaulation Question 5 - Part 2

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Evaluation Question 5 - Part 1

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 6
by: aspo

Evaluation Question 7

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Editing the footage

The only issue I had with the editing of the footage was that to use my preferred software I had to convert every bit of footage I had. This was a very time consuming and tedious task but was essential.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Weather forecast

Here is the weather forecast for the day of shooting, we need to check it was suitable for what we wanted as some of the shooting was done outside. We didn't mind what the weather was like aslong as it didnt rain and luckily for us it didnt rain on Wednesday the 20th.

Cartoon storyboard

Here is a cartoon storyboard of our intial idea. We liked the idea of having a split screen then them merging together as the characters meeting. The main settings are: A Boy's bedroom, bathroom and kitchen; A Girl's bedroom, bathroom and kitchen and the front of houses. This is just a brief storyboard.

Audience feedback



Here is the audience feedback to our inital idea, as you can see people like the idea. It has different type of people feeding back not just all girls for example.
We have slightly changed our inital idea as during the editing process we found that the split screen effect was not effective like we hoped. This feedback has influenced us because at one point we were thinking about changing our idea completely.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


Here is a moodboard of inspiration for my opening.

Soundtrack Possibilties

After researching many uncopyrighted music sites, we decided that it would be better to use a popular song sang by someone else instead of the original artist. My first choice is She Will Be Loved orginally by Maroon5 but covered -

Another choice we had, suggested by Jordan was Natalie Imbruglia's Torn covered -
Another choice we came up with was One Direction's What makes you beautiful covered -
A fourth choice we had was Owl city & Carly Rae Jepson's Good time -

A fith and final choice is Jason Mraz's I'm yours covered -

Thursday 21 March 2013

Photo Documentation of Actors - Harry

Ross Johnson

The character Harry is a stereotypical popular boy who is the captain of the school football team. He currently dating Mollie although he does not care for her much, he is more bothered about football and his appearance. Ross who plays Harry goes to Ashfield Sixthform and studies Peforming Arts.

Photo Documentation of Actors - Joe

Joesph Lamb
The character Joe is a typical 'Nerd'. Not really looked at by the popular girls or liked by the popular guys, often gets bullied by them infact. He's in love with the character Mollie. He likes to play computer games as well as playing chess. Joesph who is playing Joe is an Ashfield Sixthform student studying Performing arts. He gain an A* at GCSE drama so is ideal for this role.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Photo Documentation of Actors - Mollie

Mollie Leadbeater - Mollie

The character 'Mollie' is a stereotypical girly girl that loves her pinks, frilly skirt and summery dresses. Her costumes for the opening will consist of the actress' own clothes to avoid sizing issues. She will wear pink pyjamas for the bedroom scene. As for the rest of the opening she will be wearing a black dress with accessories such as a necklace and tights. Mollie Leadbeater studies Performing arts and Drama & Theatre studies at Ashfield Sixthform. She just loves to perform in general.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Costumes & Make up.

For my film opening the girl's costumes will have to be very stereotypical, Girly, pink, frilly. This will be keeping to the conventions of the genre.
As for the popular boy he will be wearing a stereotypical male stylish outfit with jeans and a shirt or jumper. 
 The nerdy boy will be wearing similar clothes to the popular boy just not as stylish. Jeans and plain t-shirt.
As for make up, The female character will just wear their own make up like a normal day and the male characters will not wear any at all.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Post-it notes storyboard.

Here is our post-it note storyboard including all angles, shot times and whats happening in the shot.

Film Classifications

Age Classifications!

BBFC- British board of film classification. They set the rating for every film shown in Britain with an age limit.
Their criteria when rating a film goes on:
Dangerous and easily imitable behaviour
The more these specifics are featured in a film the higher the age rating will be.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Rom-Com Posters

Rom/Com Posters

These are all posters from romantic comedies. Similarities I can draw from them all is that the protagonists are always in the poster.
The props and sets show characteristics of the genre by showing romantic scenes i.e a bedroom.
The facial expressions, body langauge and gestures shown by the actors also does this by being happy and flirty. The text always has the protaganists names, the name of the film and a short slogan.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Audience Responce

After pitching my intial idea to the rest of the class using this Prezi that I created,
I recieved positive feedback on the plot and the idea of how to start it but was warned not to make it too cheesy also my class said they liked the way I put my idea to them using prezi and the youtube videos.

Coventions of my chosen genre - Rom/Com

Coventions Of Rom/Com Genre

Thursday 14 February 2013

Shot by shot analysis - Mike Bassett: England Manager

Shot by analysis of the opening of
 Mike Bassett: England Manager

0.00 - 0.06 Producers & Distributers
0.07 - 0.13 Words On Screen
0.14 - 0.19 Black Screen
0.20 - 0.28 Montage Of Politcal Events (2001)
0.29 - 0.30 Long Shot
0.31 - 0.33 Mid Shot
0.34 - 0.40 Split Screen of a Mid Shot And a Long Shot
0.41 - 0.47 Long Shot
0.48 - 0.50 High Angle Point Of View
0.51 - 0.53 Extreme Long Shot
0.54 - 0.56 Mid Shot
0.57 - 0.59 Split Screen of a Mid Shot And a Long Shot
1.00 - 1.02 Long Shot
1.03 - 1.05 Low Angle Long Shot
1.06 - 1.07 Mid Close Up
1.08 - 1.09 High Angle Mid Shot
1.10 - 1.11 Low Angle Mid Shot
1.12 - 1.13 Close Up
1.14 - 1.15 Mid Shot
1.16 - 1.17 Long Re-establishing Shot
1.18 - 1.19 Close Up
1.20 - 1.22 Split Screen of a Mid Shot And a Long Shot
1.23 - 1.25 Long Shot
1.26 - 1.28 Mid Shot
1.29 - 1.30 High Angle Extreme Long Shot
1.31 - 1.32 Close Up
1.33 - 1.34 Close Up
1.35 - 1.36 Mid Shot
1.37 - 1.38 Close Up
1.39 - 1.40 Re-establishing Shot
1.41 - 1.43 Panning Shot
1.44 - 1.46 Long Shot
1.47 - 1.50 Mid Shot
1.51 - 1.54 Main Title

Shot by shot analysis - Easy A

Shot by shot analysis of Easy A opening.

0.00 - 0.15 Production Company
0.16 - 0.20 Establishing Shot
0.21 - 0.23 Mid Shot
0.24 - 0.27 Medium Close Up
0.28 - 0.30 Establishing Shot
0.31 - 0.33 Close Up
0.34 - 0.36 Close Up
0.37 - 0.44 Downward Crane Shot
0.45 - 0.59 Zooming In Long Shot
1.00 - 1.38 Tracking Shot
1.39 - 1.48 Mid Shot
1.49 - 1.53 High Angle Mid Shot
1.54 - 2.14 Close up
2.15 - 2.16 Low Angle Close Up
2.17 - 2.18 Close Up

By analyising this opening I know that for a Rom/Com film opening it has a lot of close ups to establish the characters as well as tracking and establishing shots to set the scene.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Audiences atrracted.

In order to attract the right audience to my film opening I will need to know what Rom-com film fans are attracted to and who they are. Here are details on users from the rom-com 'This Means War'.

Im going to compare with other rom-com films to get a broad variety and better statistics. I can see from these statistics that most films viewed by males aged 18-29 but the website used (IMDB) is predominantly used by males.

Production and distribution companies

Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc.

Warner Bros logo.svg
They produce not only film but television and music too. Has around nine subsidiaries including DC entertainment and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. They were founded in 1903 by four brothers, Harry, Sam, Albert & Jack.

Some films produced by them:
The Harry Potter Series
Matrix: Revolutions
Slumdog Millionaire
P.S I love you
The dark knight.

20th Century Fox Film Coroparation
20th century fox (2009).pngIt was formed in 1935 when Fox Film Corporation and Twentieth Century Pictures merged together. Fox Film Corparatrion were founded in 1915 by William Fox. 20th Century pictures were created by Joseph Schnek in 1933
Some films produced by them:
The Star Wars Franchise
Die Hard

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Film Opening Credits Timeline - Juno

The title sequence for Juno

0:11 - Fox Searchlights Pictures Presents
0:17 - A Mandate Pictures - Mr Mudd Production
0:22 - A Jason Reitman Film
0:25 - Juno
0:35 - Ellen Page
0:39 - Michael Cera
0:45 - Jennifer Garner
0:53 - Jason Batemen
0:57 - Allison Janney
1:02 - J.K Simmons
1:09 - Olivia Thrilby
1:13 - Casting by Mindy Marin c.s.a & Kara Lipson
1:17 - Costume Designer Monique Prudhomme
1:22 - Music by Mateo Messina, Songs by Kimya Dawson
1:28 - Music Supervisors Peter Afterman and Margret Yen
1:35 - Co-producers Jim Miller, Kelli Konop & Brad Van Arragon
1:39 - Film Editor Dana E Clauberman
1:45 - Production Designer Steve Saklad
1:49 - Director of Photography Eric Steelberg
1:54 - Executive Producers Joe Drake, Nathan Kahane & Daniel Dubiecki
2:00 - Produced by Lianne Halfon, John Malkovich, Mason Novick & Russell Smith
2:06 - Written by Diablo Cody
2:13 - Directed by Jason Rietman

Thursday 7 February 2013

Film Opening Credits Timeline - Zombieland

Film Opening Analysis - Zombieland

Straight away you know this is going to be a zombie sci-fi film, just by the title! After just 23 seconds you can see a zombie. The credits don't actually start until 2.40 mintues in. Throughtout the whole opening there is various shots of people running away from zombie while the protaganist is talking. There is use of diagetic sound as well as a soundtrack throughout. There are lots of camera angles used mostly close ups, establishing shots and re-establishing shots.

Film Opening Analysis - Green Street Hooligans 2

This film is based on the real events of prison riots and as its a sequel the first is based on football hooligans in England. You can tell straight away its going to be a gritty and violent film. The person you see has tattoos and is in his prison cell and eventually makes his way outside to the yard and you see other prisoners all with tattoos. This is a stereotypical prison setting. Diagetic sound is used with dialogue, footsteps and the clanking of the prison doors opening and closing.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Film Opening Analysis - Juno

Right from the begining you can tell that this is going to be a funny, quirky rom/com. It starts off with happy and romantic song. The girl is drinking Sunny D and wearing converse so you know its going to be aimed at a young adult audience. As the most of the shots are meant to look like they are drawn rather than filmed you can tell its going to be a funny film. There is no diagetic sound in opening just the song. It starts to sing about hugs, kisses and marriage again emphasising that its going to be a rom/com.

Film Opening Analysis - The Avengers

We have to research film openings similar to our briefs. The first one I watched was Marvel's 'The Avengers'
 The opening credits tell you straight away it's a film about superheroes with something that signifies each hero and each actor playing that character's name next to it. The credits are in a sliver colour along with the font it gives off a very metallic feel. This is emphasised with the dark low key lighting keeping with the metallic feel. The way the light shines on certain parts it looks as if it is natural lighting. There is a soundtrack used with intense and dramatic music being played. There is also diagetic sound of Thor's hammer hitting the ground.

Thursday 31 January 2013

Our brief

In the picture below is our choice of four briefs.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Preliminary Task

Our preliminary task is to create a short video with certain technical aspects within it. These had to include different camera angles, dialogue and a door opening.

Firstly I put forward the idea of a comedy sketch involving Lauren being a bully and myself being a victim. our group of four created a story board with ideas of the story. We initially had 18 takes but eventually narrowed it to 15. It was east to move the takes about because they were on sticky notes. We also scripted the small dialogue at this point.

We used the Ate centre (Food Hall) as the location for our filming, this was an ideal location because it had everything we needed for in terms of props and set and it was also empty so there would be no outside interruptions.  

This is where majority of the filming took place, we moved a few tables around to create enough space. The top left photo is the view from the the camera when filming the cctv shot. The middle right photo is the area used when Harry is running away. The bottom right photo is where the camera was put when filming the cctv. The second bottom photo on the left is the door used for the filming and the bottom left photo is the area used for entering the room and when I was thrown out of the door. For the cctv we had to use a tripod in order to get the right height and angle for the shot.  
For costume we just used the clothing we were wearing on the day of filming, which in turn suited the video. In terms of lighting we used natural lighting which worked well as it was the morning. We had orginally wanted to use a sandwhich as a prop but found it better to use a packet of crisps. 

For the editing stage we used the software Serif Movie plus, I found this really useful when trimming the footage and slowing it down for the slow motion scene. I did most of the editing because I have used the software before, Saul also knew how to use it so helped out a lot. Harry and Lauren didn't know too much about the software but imputted lots of ideas of how to edit it. Overall I feel it was a good group effort during the edting process. 

For the first of the video we used diagetic sound to create a natural feel of scene but we used non-diagetic sound by putting in some music to create a soundtrack. It was the theme music from Benny Hill. It was used for this piece of unedited footage.